Ho hum. Another news release.
And frankly, that’s the way most media view the scores of news releases that cross their desks daily.
There’s an art to writing a snappy, pithy release with a clear “hook” up front that will interest a professional journalist. And even though they undoubtedly will rewrite it to fit whatever news hole they’re working on, chances are the information you wanted to convey will be included.
Distribution is the other leg of the process.
Sending a blanket news release does not guarantee airing or publication. Gaining the respect and trust of the receiving journalist will. Engendering a relationship based on trust (never send “junk”) will go a long way toward ensuring your release will ultimately receive air time or appear in print.
Other things to keep in mind:
· Is your release newsworthy?
· Be brief, less is more, keep it to a page.
· Avoid a smarmy sales pitch. If it’s laced with adjectives, can it. It’s guaranteed to lose currency with readers.
· Remember the readers’ perspective: Why should they care? What makes your news so special?
· Write in objective tense (third person). DO NOT say “I” or “we” unless you’re using it as an attribution or direct quote.
· Skip the industry jargon. Most reading it will not know what you’re talking about.
· Get to the point. Don’t bury the sizzle in your release in the third paragraph. Get on it. And don’t belabor it.
· Proofread what you’ve written. More importantly, have someone else proof as well.