Does your website need a facelift?
Consider some of these steps:
· Run Google Analytics to determine site traffic, key words, and the pages users are visiting.
· Add content, rich content. In Google’s world of ever-changing search algorithms, authentic, smart content carries the day. Lawton Gallagher’s writers know the best ways to write eye-grabbing, search-engine-attracting copy.
· Provide users with what they are seeking.
· Think about a minimalist, smart design and rich interfaces with fluid navigation, functionality and logical structure. (Look through some of the sites we’ve designed, here, here and here.)
· Make sure your site looks good on mobile devices.
· SEO: The online strategies for leveraging visitors to your website are limitless. And to keep the playing field challenging, search engines manipulate algorithms in an effort to deliver timely authentic content to impatient web browsers. There are organic searches and pay-per-click. Understanding page optimization to improve organic search results, click-thrus and conversions is part of the process. Google Analytics is fundamental. And depending on your business, staying atop SEO can make a significant difference in your bottom line.