Freshening up for Spring

With the recent dusting of new snow, it may not feel like spring is close, yet a glance at the calendar confirms it. March trods forward through the last of winter in a steady and sure approach to spring and April showers. The inevitability of spring’s approach inspires a fresh look at everything from exercise routines and home décor to summer plans. Why not use spring as an opportunity to bring a fresh approach to your business marketing as well?


There are a few easy ways to evaluate and freshen up your business outlook. Start with your website. Your home page should convey a sense of who you are as a business. Does it? Re-read your messaging to be sure it is concise, effective and inspiring. Look at the fonts and colors. These are easy changes you can make to liven up the look of your website. Add new client work and testimonials to keep your site dynamic.


Take a look at your business logo; is it a reflection of your business personality? Minor tweaks to it by a skilled graphic designer can modernize the look and convey a “new and improved” feel.

Social Media

Do you have a social media presence? You should in this fast-paced, modern world. Remember to post regularly to remind people of your business presence. Frequency is key, with three times a week an ideal number. Keep your posts varied and interesting. They don’t all have to be business-related posts. Add a mix of links to interesting articles, photography or inspiring quotes – anything goes! Take advantage of Facebook’s scheduling feature and set up posts for a week or two. Instagram is fun if you enjoy photography, and if that is a service your business offers, it serves as your online portfolio.


Add blogs regularly to your website, and link to it through a Facebook post. Try not to be intimidated by the idea of blogging – they can be short and sweet. There are many sites online that offer ideas for blog topics. Simple observations, a funny interaction at the grocery store or commentary on a challenge presented by a client that had a positive outcome are all good ideas for a blog.

For a more literal approach to embracing spring’s newness, how about choosing a bold color and painting your home or business’s entryway or front door? Even a simple bouquet of fresh flowers each week can invigorate the feel of your home or business and keep the freshness of spring at hand. As winter diminishes and spring approaches, it’s time to reflect, renew and rejoice!

Look closely this spring for inspiration and ideas to freshen up your business approach.

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